Friday, March 07, 2008

Stuff White People Like

I encountered a fantastic blog, "Stuff White People Like."

Posts are written almost like instructional articles to minorities on how to understand and get along with white, liberal, NPR-listeners (NPR, of course, is one of the things white people like).

Be sure to check out #81!!!


cabooyah said...

i don't know if i should be laughing or calling the aclu - what is interesting is the "about" section where you get responses from just about every ethnic group, all completely contradictory, which i think almost legitimizes the website to some degree

tmevans said...

I think it's funny. I have to wonder about the people who get so offended by the humor. If it had a serious tone instead of a humorous one, they'd probably consider it scholarship. I read #81 and now I'm questioning my self-worth since it appears that scientists will never respect me for my mind.