Selber writes about hypertext/hyperlinks, but this video on Youtube demonstrates a technology called "hyperwords," which obstensibly allows a user to make their own hyper-connections between words on the online page and set of predetermined menu options.
This ideas allows one to delimit their reading experience of a hypertext yet provides limiting options for the reader within the "hyperword" concept. But is there a way for the reader to disrupt this technology to increase their options and delimit its design?
About Me
- J. Edwin Paschke-Johannes
- n. ('jA-'ed-w&n-pash-kE-jO-'han-es) 1. A male homosapien of U.S. citizenship, w/ diffused hereditary origins from the Polish, Swiss, German, Lithuanian, Nebraska white trash, and Minnesota backwoods missionary. 2. Name of said male homosapien. 3. One of few individuals, if not the only one existent, to be credited, on public records and various publicly distributed documents, with a Bachelor of Arts in English Education from Midland Lutheran College and a Master of Arts in English, specializing in Creative Writing (Fiction), from Iowa State University, and enrolled in a doctoral program in English, specializing in Rhetoric and Composition, at Ball State University. 4. One of a married couple that have adopted two children, a precocious female and winsome male, from Ethiopia, thus constructing a nuclear family known as “multicultural,” or specifically “transracial,” and grafting onto the couple’s mutual/individual family tree a branch that, to America's racial psyche, is considered radically divergent.
1 comment:
That's a cool example of how the web has changed. The writing and linking of content is under the control of the reader as much as the writer in some contexts now.
Thanks for pointing to this.
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